Gratitude + Grace | Seattle, WA Family Photography

This Thanksgiving was particularly meaningful for my family, marking the one-year anniversary of the end of chemotherapy treatments for my husband and the love of my life, David.  He fought like a freaking champion through sickness, bone marrow biopsies, tests and endless oncologist appointments, and beat Hodgkins Lymphoma.  I could not be more proud, and never before more grateful for his health!  It has been a GOOD year; one filled with so much fun and love and gratitude for the one true thing in our lives:  Our people.    

This year we were so fortunate to get to spend Thanksgiving (and Hanukkah!) with some of our very favorite people:  Stacey, Chris, Sascha, and Sage Fontecchio.  These guys helped carry us through the scariest year of our lives, and they have celebrated with us through every victory, both big and small. These are our people.  We are so grateful!!


Check this guy out!  The sign is fitting, if I do say so myself...  Love you, Davey!!


Is she not a little ray of sunshine?  


Chris did NOT mess around this year.  He cooked that bird to perfection.  Damn.  


CLINK.  Double-clink.

Let me talk about Sage for a second.  To know this kid is to HEART him with your entire being.  Sage and my youngest daughter, Iris (she is 3, mind you) have a special bond.  Iris adores Sage, and Sage looks out for her with the kindness and patience that only a big brother could know.  Love you, buddy!
Here he is giving Iris some gelt.  See?  It's ridiculous.
Because it was Thanksgiving day, Stacey & Chris' oven broke.  And lucky for us, because this meant that Stace and I got to enjoy a walk down the street where some neighbors graciously let us use their oven (hooray for nice people!)  SUN.  ahh.  
I just love this photograph of Stacey.  She is generous and kind and funny, and is just such a beautiful person.  I am lucky to know her.  
On the walk back home, Stacey pointed out this sign on the side of her friend's house.  For obvious reasons, I had to include it.
This is Sascha.  I don't even know what his face looks like without a huge smile on it!  Oh, how I love this boy.  Sasch and Max have been thick as thieves since preschool. 
Iris, always with an offering.
BAM!!  It needs to be known that Chris also made homemade Cappelletti for all of us and it was RIDIC.  You could taste the love in the food that night.  Thank you, Chris!
So special that we got to share this moment!  
No Thanksgiving is complete without a thrashing rendition of "YMCA."  On repeat.  At a very high volume.  
Hearts full, bellies full.  THE END.  


Lynn Erskine(non-registered)
Jaymee, this was lovely!
Corinne Muriset(non-registered)
Hi Honey, You really captured the heart of the day and so glad it was "full" as we missed you terribly. We will always remember last year and how thankful we were that Dave was done with his cancer treatments. This year we give thanks for good health, and remember and bless all those less fortunate. Your photography is amazing and so are the people you attract to your life. Love you, Mom
I want to meet these people! And I want to eat their food too! I'm so thankful that you and Dave have so much to celebrate, so much to be thankful for this year. And I'm thankful for sweet friends who celebrate with you. It looked like a perfect day!
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